Panic, Presumption, or Peace During a Plague

Yes, there is much in the world to cause panic, if we look at things from the world’s point of view. There’s a plague, which could infect us, our families, or other loved ones. Then there’s lack. Lack of money due to less employment. Lack of food due to shortages. Lack of necessities due to quarantine. Even more terrifying is our lack of control in the situation. With the uncertainty of what we are even dealing with, we really don’t even know what we don’t know. All these reasons and more may cause us to panic and feel fear. Yet, according to Dr. Caroline Leaf, “Toxic, fearful thinking shifts our bodies into toxic stress, which can cause the blood vessels around the heart to constrict, and this means there will be less blood flow and oxygen to the brain, and 1400 neurophysiological responses can work against us instead of for us, potentially making us more vulnerable to viruses.” (Click here for a link to her article on this situation.) Although anxiety is one of the most unhealthy things we can possibly do during a time when we need a strong immune system, here we are feeling fear, anxiety, and mental distress when we look at things from the world’s point of view.

So, is the alternative to live presumptuously, imagining that we are immune to diseases? One of the normal characteristics of teenagers (and why their car insurance is so expensive) is a belief that nothing bad will happen to them, which is why they often try dangerous stunts. Obviously, that is not living wisely. We cannot ignore problems, deny danger, or refuse to listen to reasoning. Closing our eyes to situations around us does not mean we are living in faith in God. If we never face danger, we never need saving. If we never have sickness, we never need healing. If we never experience hardship, we never need relief. Avoiding admitting problems doesn’t mean we have faith; it means we are living in presumption.

Panic is not from God. Presumption is not faith in God.

man talking on a megaphone

Photo by Pressmaster on

The issue is; What are we speaking? Because often, what we find coming out of our mouth, reveals what’s in our heart. As Proverbs 18:21 warns us, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…” What are we saying during this dark time in our world?

“We’re going to get sick!”

“I’m going to run out of money!”

“My business is going to fail!”

“I’m going to run out of medicine!”

What if instead we speak life?

“God is my healer!”

“God is my provider!”

Screenshot_20200323-091525What we need is peace – God’s peace – “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding.” (Philippians 4:7) Since there is such power in our words, we should look at what it is we should be saying. Where do we get confidence to proclaim health and provision? From the Word of God. In the past, as I was dealing with depressions, I would proclaim over myself 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” I suggest finding a Scripture that applies to your unique situation. If you don’t know of one, check Google. Type in “Scriptures on…” (Ignore the world’s answers and go straight to the expert – the Bible). Look in the thesaurus. Text or call a pastor or friend. Additionally, there is power in the name of Jesus. Last night my teenage son woke up with a nightmare. He immediately spoke the name “Jesus.” The fear faded and my son was left with what he described as a feeling that the presence of God was with him. He spent the next 45 minutes praying. He had peace.

So, did I just reveal the cure for all diseases? While I cannot promise you will never be sick, I can promise that God will never leave you. I can promise that, with God, you will accomplish your purpose.

Alright, I want to hear from you! What truth and Scriptures have you proclaimed over yourself in the past or are currently proclaiming? Please share because what you’ve found helpful may help others. Let’s help each other proclaim the peace of God over our life!

8 thoughts on “Panic, Presumption, or Peace During a Plague

  1. Philippians 4:6-7. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.


    • Thank you for sharing! Those are wonderful Scriptures. I hope these Scriptures help others too

      A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you. Psalm 91:7. Awesome!

      Isaiah 43:1-2 1But now, thus says the LORD, your Creator, O Jacob,
      And He who formed you, O Israel,
      “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
      I have called you by name; you are Mine!

      2“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
      And through the rivers, they will not overflow you.
      When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched,
      Nor will the flame burn you.

      Psalms 46:1-3. God is our refuge and strength,

      an ever-present help in times of trouble.

      2Therefore we will not fear,

      though the earth is transformed

      and the mountains are toppled

      into the depths of the seas,

      3though their waters roar and foam

      and the mountains quake in the surge.


      • The Lord recently revealed to me the great peace felt by the Israelites as they crossed the Red Sea. They walked on the bottom of the ocean, with the water all around them (a symbol of peace) in protection. They were fleeing a great enemy that wanted their lives.
        They had stood in obedience to God, sparing the lives of their first born sons. The pharaoh let them go, but didn’t keep his word. The same peace that surrounded them CRUSHED their enemy! Peace that passes understanding is crushing to the enemy!
        The verses the Lord gave me in this revelation were found in Psalm 106 and Psalm 103, and then Psalm 36:5&6 “Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, extend to the skies, and Your faithfulness to the clouds. Your righteousness is like the mountains of God, Your judgments are like the great deep. O Lord, You preserve man and beast.” (Amplified)
        Psalm 37:7 is also very insightful! ” Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him; fret not yourself because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked devices to pass.” (Amplified)


  2. Great thoughts. Take necessary precautions cause that just using wisdom, but not allowing fear to drive you. Trusting God. Reminds me of the scripture from Matthew…
    “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. … Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?”
    Matthew 6:26


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